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The delivery time for orders typically ranges from 2 to 5 working days, with major cities receiving quicker deliveries compared to remote areas.
We make three delivery attempts for your parcel. If it is not successfully delivered, we will deduct the return charges, which include logistics and packaging costs, from your total profit. In the case of customized items, the entire order total will be deducted from your profit.
To place an order with advance payment, please choose the “advance payment” option on our order form and transfer the payment to UCommerce payments account, we will deduct the wholesale cost+delivery charges, and will transfer your profit at the given time period.
If a customer reports a genuine complaint about defects or missing items, we will make every effort to facilitate a reverse pickup or arrange an exchange delivery after reviewing the evidence provided.
For cases where a return is requested due to a change of mind, we will assess each situation individually, taking into account the product’s history and other relevant details.
For orders placed from the 1st to the 10th of the month, your profit will be transferred between the 20th and the 23rd of the same month. For orders placed between the 10th and 20th, as well as between the 20th and 30th, your profit will be shared on the 2nd and 13th of the following month.
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Returns And Refunds
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10:00pm to 6:00pm
Monday to Friday